Saturday, July 30, 2005

She's not the official Calamity Jane of the parade (she didn't show up today), but she deserves a picture. Posted by Picasa

Representing the traditional wild woman of the West. Posted by Picasa

Large troupe, all on black horses. Totally excellent entertainment! Posted by Picasa

Best flag display ever! Quite the sight in motion. Posted by Picasa

She's from North Dakota. Posted by Picasa

More cowgirls. Posted by Picasa

What can I say? Cowgirl in red. Posted by Picasa

University of Wyoming Cowboy Joe Pony which trots around the field after touchdowns at football games. Posted by Picasa

More of the Lewis & Clark float. Posted by Picasa

Part of the Lewis & Clark float. Posted by Picasa

You can't read it, but the horse is in honor of fallen soldiers who used to participate in Cheyenne Frontier Days rodeos. Posted by Picasa

Shriners start the parade. Posted by Picasa

Patrick, Cierra and Lyn at Parade. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 29, 2005

Official Univ. of Wyoming Cowboy Logo Posted by Picasa

Same pretty large boot. Posted by Picasa

Back of pretty large boot. There are many of these standing around the Plaza. Posted by Picasa

On the Depot Plaza with The Plains Hotel in the (middle) distance. Grier Furniture on the right is where my recliner awaits my final payment. Posted by Picasa

The line goes on...and on...and on... Posted by Picasa

She thought it was a "Prayer Breakfast". Posted by Picasa

Those guys crossing the street have five blocks to walk to get in line. Posted by Picasa

This group has only another 4 minutes wait for their pancakes. Posted by Picasa

The Depot Plaza, home of entertainment, pancake breakfasts, and the Farmers' Market, starting in August. One Half block from my apt. Posted by Picasa

Cheyenne Youth Symphony: The top helped keep them cool, but the day it rained, the hay bales got soaked (and cold). Posted by Picasa

Strolling Strings were great! Posted by Picasa

Waiting on parade to begin Posted by Picasa